Jan 1, 2023


An engraving company


Nijdeken is an engraving and extrusion company.

#How its made

The website is made using the following technologies:

#The language system

There is a folder named locales in the root of the project. This folder contains the translations for the website. these files are named after the language they represent. The default language is English and is represented by the en.json file. The other languages are represented by their respective language code. For example, the Dutch language is represented by the nl.json file. Here is an example language file:

  "home": {
    "title": "Nijdeken",
    "description": "Nijdeken is een graveer- en extrusiebedrijf."

#The product system

The products are stored in the products folder in the root of the project. Each product is represented by a folder with the name of the product. This folder contains the images and the translations for the product. The translations are stored in the locales folder in the product folder. Here is an example product folder:

└── product-name
    ├── en.json
    ├── nl.json
    ├── image1.jpg
    └── image2.jpg